Ti Zwazo kote ou prale
(Little bird where are you going)
Mwenn prale kay fiyét lalo
(I am going to little miss Lalo's house)
Fiyét lalo kon manje ti moun
(Little miss Lalo eats little kids)
Si ou ale lap mange ou tou
(If you go she'll eat you too)
Brik kolon brik Brik kolon brik
[***same in English, it's just a noise being made***]
Wosiyol mange korosol
(Nightingale eats breadfruit)
woulo woulo Mwen soti lavil o kay
(Rolling rolling I come from the village)
Tout bet tonbe nan dlo
(All birds fall in water)
Madmwazel leve pou danse
(Lady, please dance with me)
Mesye mwen trò fatige
(Sir, I am too tired.)
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